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Team info

Lorenz Gschöpf
Lars Van Dijnen


Business Ready

The challenge

The overflow in simple customer queries turned out as a problem for many businesses. They either solve the problem by offering a frequently asked question page or running a call center. Especially the latter led to an increase in customer service operating costs in the past years. Because of this, many businesses outsource their customer service to areas where operating costs are lower (e.g. India This outsourcing has its drawbacks like lack of control and lower and inconsistent quality performance. Also, the FAQ pages are often confusing, not flexible, and rarely lead to a favored outcome. Therefore we identified the unmet need for an AI chatbot that can answer any type of relevant question in a way that satisfies customer demands.

The solution

We want to offer an AI Chatbot to enhance customer service effectiveness in the form of a B2B subscription-based service, to help businesses keep better control of their customer service. The main part of the service will contain a software implementation to an existing website of the client (SaaS).

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