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Kutay Gorgun

AI or Ain't


The challenge

Everyday, AI generated content is increasing and it is becoming more difficult to distinguish between what is real and what is not. The same goes for ordinary products, the value of authenticity and 'human touch' is increasing while markets are dispersing.

The solution

In our efforts to find and preserve authenticity on what we produce & consume, I see two pillars. The first one is distinguishing authenticity in products by better defining it. This could be a website which identifies if a content is generated (such as OpticAI) or the protected geographical indications (found on balsamic vinegars). The second one is understanding what we perceive as authentic or fabricated. This is still a largely unexplored area. The Turing test could be an outdated example although it's main focus is still on the system instead of the user's perception. AI or Ain't aims to gain more insight on this inquiry by asking players to distinguish if a given form of content is generated over the course of an addicting yet simple web-game. The shortfalls of players or the generated content apparent from the collected player data, should gives us a better idea on what we perceive to be fabricated and which details in relation to different content matter in terms of creating or reinforcing a sense of authenticity.

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