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Jovi van Rooij

Mental Health journal


The challenge

In the fast-paced and constantly evolving landscape of modern society, the complexity of the human mind is often overlooked among the various roles we are expected to fulfill. The pressure to juggle various personas, coupled with the phenomenon of alienation with others and the self, polarization, and the demands of an information-driven culture, has led to a concerning rise in mental health disorders in the past decennia. In this era where self-exploration and understanding becomes more crucial, the issue of mental health has taken center stage. The Netherlands, like many other countries, have a predominantly reactive approach to mental well-being. Here, the focus lays primarily towards providing mental health assistance only after a disorder has manifested and is being diagnosed. As a result, preventative measures and early interventions that could potentially avoid these clinical disorders to manifest are neglected by professionals and society. This delay results in deteriorating quality of life for individuals, absenteeism cost for companies and a less healthy and productive society. The urgency to embrace proactive strategies for mental health care has become more evident than ever. It is crucial to create a shift in focus and approach to mental health, emphasizing not only on the treatment but also the prevention of mental health issues. In addition, a focus on self-actualization and self-mastery could benefit individuals and society as a whole.

The solution

For this substantial and rising problem, I introduce a contributing solution. Namely, a Mental Health Journal based on the timeless wisdom of stoicism, accompanied by interventions, exercises and psycho-education mainly derived from the cognitive behavioral therapy (CGT), acceptance and commitment therapy and mindfulness. This unique approach combines ancient philosophy with modern therapeutic techniques to stimulate resilience, self-awareness, and emotional well-being. This journal will be designed as a companion on your journey towards mental wellness and self-actualization. It will include stoic principles such as understanding what is within our control, practicing gratitude, embracing misfortunes and failures as opportunities for growth and provides insights in the concept of ‘ego’. This journal will combine daily reflections (perception) and practical implications (action) to cultivate mindfulness, emotional regulation, and cognitive restructuring. Each section of this journal will aim to guide introspection, promote self-compassion, and encourage behavioral changes that support well-being and self-actualization. It will not only be useful as a preventative tool for mental disorders but can also benefit individuals that aim for self-improvement and self-mastery.

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