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Team info

Tiago David
Samantha Abigail Soendjojo



The challenge

Every year over 1 billion umbrellas are wasted and discarded. Creating tons of needless waste. Most of these umbrellas are cheap and of substandard quality. Its also very common for people to forget their umbrellas at home, or lose them. Or simply for weather to be sunny and all of a sudden to start pouring.

The solution

GreenBrella is a umbrella sharing platform. Dedicated to sustainability and practicality, our umbrellas are made of high quality and sustainable materials. With our mobile application, users have easy access to an umbrella wherever they are and whenever they need it. GreenBrella will change the way we deal with rainy days by implementing the shared economy model to ensure that an umbrella is accessible at all times in stations placed throughout the city. In these stations, the user uses the app to unlock an umbrella, to then return it at a later hour.

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